Love Poem: Love Me the Way Your Heart Tells-

Love Me the Way Your Heart Tells-

To you, O, Athena, did I not give myself?
Why ask? I know not what your gods’ plan
No one knows better than anyone, but you
You alone must decide what you really feel 
Whether seeing me smile, the way you like 
Or, whether the envious gods are right or not
Who cares? Don’t let anyone, in between us
Be happy and enjoy the life you’ve wished 
For no one lives twice, ‘cos all die just once
Even we’re apart, our hearts have one rhyme
Beating for today, for us, not for the future
Thou, I never said: trust not your dear gods
But remember, no one’s getting any younger 
Even as we secretly talk, time passes so fast
So, live today, and expect less of tomorrow