Love Poem: Love Malcontent

Love Malcontent

My love for you is a creature, a solid breathing 
Entity, a mangled creation of shadow-black flesh 
And the thread-like interwoven muscles of my 
Bleeding excuses…
The paltry reasons I put up with your countless 
Slights, insults, depravities, are its backbone, 
The eyes are mere sockets, the hollowed out orbs 
Where my intuition has failed…
My love for you stalks at my feet, its hot breath 
Warming my Achilles heel, the weakness that lets you in…
I cannot escape you…I cannot fool myself into hatred, 
Though it’s just a thin line away, 
I cannot shake off this damnable love, no matter how much 
It hurts, no matter the knives of white-hot agony that stab 
My heart, no matter how you choke me with your ropes 
Of lies and deceit…and you, how you repay me,
You pick up the shards of my shattered dreams, so much crushed glass, 
And grind them into my weeping wounds, you spit on 
My flailing hopes as they flap on the ground like crows 
With tattered dragging wings…you murder me with a smile…
And all the while my love for you clings to my hem, bulldog determined, 
Digging deeper and deeper into my melting soul, penetrating the bone, 
Burning brands of linked sixes in my marrow 
Soon I fear it will bite so deep it will sever me in two, and leave me, 
A mangled maimed malcontent dying slowly in a pool 
Of my own pathetic longing…my own self destructive love