Love Poem: Love Love Love
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Love Love Love

Love, love, love.
Every needy thing's about more
and better

Unless you're at a political rally.
Then we're all about patriotic, patriotic, patriotic,
Or Freedom, Freedom, Freedom,
Although if we are not free
to feel patriotic or not so much,
then I suppose what is needed
is more Love, Love, Love.

More active compassion,
more listening mindfulness,
more global, if not universal, consciousness,
more robust and resilient relationships
with co-migrant populations,

More, more, more
Love, love, love...

Why do we multiculturally long for secular love
and sacred grace
and win/win karma,
yet speak
and endlessly sing
for such long-winded
and short-winged cooperative relationships?

While investing so little time listening
to him
and her
and competitive/cooperative him/her,
as Left makes Right loves Left
full-circle again.

Creator God speaking theological
and creation goddess listening ecological
EarthTribes in love with loving experience

Of and for healthy ego-
wealthy eco-relationships,
wise as also well-being compassions

Listening to, "Love, love, love"
co-investing every communing harmony
playing and working life
through deeper and wider 
active listening for timeless love.