Love Poem: Love Lost Broken Heart
Carolyn Sears Avatar
Written by: Carolyn Sears

Love Lost Broken Heart

Love Lost Broken Hearts

Within the time love is lost

Thrown asunder into the


Many broken hearts to live
In loneliness

Broken down piece by piece

Weaken just to mourn a love
That was once beautiful

But Now

Just tossed into the wind

Like the petals from the rose

Destined to ride upon the 


Now used and broken


Tears fills the wind

Sobbing echo's into the night 

From the broken hearts
Tossed away like broken

Ancient and old as the lost
Love is trapped

Within time

Within the mind

Love that is lost from time
Back than

Weaken from the fight trying
To hold their lover heart


Cannot be regained

Cannot be mended

Spoiled without even a

From her lover's heart

Just echo's of hurt and tears


The painful ruins of love tied
So strong

Being tossed to the wind as
Unwanted paper

Lonely eyes

Lonely hearts

Lonely tears

Just rides and echo's in the

Crying out for their love

That cannot be found

So desperately in need

To find their place in

The heart of the wind

That holds all their tears

Their fears

Their Pain

That bleeds into the heart
Of the wind

From The Love That Is Lost

And The Broken hearts..