Love Poem: Love Lost

Love Lost

When my eyes met his,
                    Met his, for the first time
                    I could discern a ray of
                    incensed passion and love 
                    intense, so I thought, piercing 
                    gently my heart and filling it 
                    with true love, so I thought;

                    so thinking, I surrendered 
                    myself to him, like a fool 
                   only to allow him to have 
                   all liberties with me and freely
                   play the game of love, for I
                   thought without doubting 
                   even a wee bit that he would
                   remain, my man of love, and
                   ever so till we live ..............
                   Love's true devotee to one another 

                   But oh ! how will I, say that now
                   he chided me today, for no reason or rhyme 
                   and in a fit of anger, said he loved me no more 
                   and left me, deserting me all at once;
                   I remained in great shock thereafter
                   God knows for how long, till 
                   I came to my sense to, realize 
                   that I was cheated by the very man 
                   whom I thought was Eros and me  his Venus,
                   All these thoughts suddenly vanished 
                   vanished into thin air
                   And I lie here, under the tree I met him 
                   for the first time, writhing in pain inconsolable 
                   And now see the very ray of hope that he shot
                  at me when our eyes first met, piercing my
                  heart, shattering it, emptying it of the  nectar of love
                  I thought it poured in first.
                  And I now remain emancipated from this love false 
                  realizing at last the meaning of true love 
                  from this experience so bitter 
                  bitten by pangs of false love and deceit 
                  of a man whom I reckoned wrongly 
                  was going to be my Eros in life.

                  oh women harping love 
                  please beware of men
                  who wander for lust 
                  wandering as foxes 
                  in the robe of deer.