Love Poem: Love Letter

Love Letter

I will never forget our very first mating ritual,
some swans species are done in seconds . . .
but ours went on for over an  H O U R   !
    Oh, the courtship dance was divine
        and  s u b l i m e .
For days and days we touched wings while drifting,
    on the smooth water
and wasn't it lovely to preen together . . . 
        we dipped our beaks over and  OVER,
I loved when you would just be still and watch me.
Our bodies touched smooth and  g r a c e f u l ,
                 we never took our eyes off each other.
Soon our necks were intertwining (I loved that part).
    and while we paddled our  WI N G S  spread
                 and you took me to the stars . . . 
at one point you even pushed my head under the water, dear!
                         you make very  s e x y  snorts and groans.
And from that day we have been as one,
  in perfect  H A R M O N Y ,
and together we raised all those fluffy cygnets.
                             You are so protective to all our little ones,
     don't you just love the first time they go for a swim.
With you as our HERO our family plays and sleeps  in safety always,
           thank you for being the best  m a t e  for life
                            and a great father . . . 

November 3, 2017

Poetry/Free Verse/Love Letter
Copyright Protected, ID 17-9560-07-0
All Rights Reserved.

Written for the contest, Love Letter
sponsor, Viv Wigley

Fourth Place