Love Poem: Love Knowledge Fulfilment
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Written by: Michelle Morris

Love Knowledge Fulfilment

Love. Knowledge. Fulfilment.
By Michelle Morris

How shall I love thee?
How shall I truly know thee?
How shall I ever fulfil thee?

For love is a perception based on the giver and receiver. 
The breadth and depth is determined by so much more than can be held in one place.
Or in one person's soul.
All our love connects us through space and time.
It spreads out into the Universe, divine and glowing.

Knowledge is a fickle master; for no knowledge could ever glean or encompass the expanse of the human soul.
It is the Universe and in the Universe it becomes gold.
A golden orb of delicious beauty and ecstasy.
A miracle created from the cradle of the Universe.
It is endless and forever.

Fulfilment is an endless cup.
For as we become enlightened and learn and grow, we shift our consciousness; and our fulfilment needs change in our essence and our lives.
Embracing the emptiness and the vastness of the Universe is the truest fulfilment.
For in that moment, we embrace all.
We embody fulfilment.
We are the Universe.
We are all.
Empty. Yet filled.

Love. Knowledge. Fulfilment. 
It is the Universe and it is all. 

© Michelle Morris, 2022