Love Poem: Love Kindness Courage

Love Kindness Courage

Love , kindness & courage 
By Lady Arabella  

Love kindness and courage all free to give 
Nobody knows the life other people live 
A listening ear and a hand to hold 
All you need to watch a story unfold 
Life is hard ,  there's no harm in a helping hand 
We all  need someone willing to understand
Love, kindness and courage they  all come  for free
Well  maybe to some degree..
Those who are kind and love all risk being hurt 
 Sometimes it’s something we can’t avert 
But don't let your kindness, love and courage be taken away 
Let your light shine today
Embrace the pain it may cause 
 But Don't  you ever stop or press pause
Share  love , kindness and courage in all you do
 And never be afraid to just be you