Love Poem: Love Is Too Blind
Robert Lindley Avatar
Written by: Robert Lindley

Love Is Too Blind

L anguishing in this sad torturing state
O nly my mind to rip me into shreds.
V acant of hope, she warned it was too late
E very day since my thoughts are in deep reds.
I nflicting the misery my heart needs,
S he left me with only this one sad choice.
T o cut my torn heart until out it bleeds,
O ver the sound of my lost wailing voice.
O pen your merciful heart my sweet friend,
B e my angel, return life back to me!
L augh and dance, do it all over again
I n that new paradise, we have that key.
N othing to lose and everything to gain,
D eliver my relief from this great pain.

Robert J. Lindley, 2-08-2016
Sonnet acrostic (tail-rhyme)- LOVE IS TOO BLIND.
Debbie's 6/6/6 challenge 
Number three

Syllables Per Line:	
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables:	140
Total # Lines:	14 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:	
Total # Words:	109