Love Poem: Love Is Just Love
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Written by: Rita Lopez

Love Is Just Love

Love can’t always be perfect
Love is just love 
You can’t spend your whole life worrying about love 
Because the world taught you to do so 
Love is out of your control 
And it's something to not ever be controlled 
Love is just love 
If love were perfect
Love would be boring 
And to not ever be pursued 
Anything that is convenient 
Is not worth fighting for 
If love were easy
It would be appreciated less
And that’s why some give up 
Because we have been taught to observe love 
And that it is easy to do, to have 
And when it is not what some expect 
its given up on 
But love is just love 
It was made to be a challenge
As much as it was made to be easy 
Love won’t stay forever either 
Especially if you don’t know how to love thy self 
Love is just love 
It can’t be forced 
If you force it 
You will lose sight 
Maybe temporarily and maybe permanently
Either way forcing something so powerful will fail 
You can’t help when love comes from a person you did not expect 
It’s like being two forces that not even the world could come between 
Sometimes love doesn’t decide if you are ready 
It just happens full force 
But you will have decide if you are ready for love 
Remember no matter the outcome 
love is not nor will it ever be perfect 
Love is just love