Love Poem: Love Is Healthy
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Love Is Healthy

"Give up all hope
for a better [healthier] past."
     Bumper Sticker, on way to church

"Give up no gratitude
discovering a better [healthier] future."
     Homily at Churching Hope Together 

"Love [health] is all there is."
     The Beatles

"God [Health] is love.
     The Bible

Because anger jumps out upon us
rooted in past images
perpetrating, and yet also victimized by, competing oppression,

Because fear lurks before us
as victims losing bad faith competitions
between LeftBrain expedience
and RightBrain ecological
and theological
prime [health] relational wisdom.

Love is all there is
in each here and now
gratitude for past health,
wherever we can cooperatively re-imagine it,
and hope for future wealth
where we can, together,
enchant light more

To disenchant less fear-mongering
and angry-consuming management
marketed, less effectively now,
to cooperating victims and perpetrators
of past and future climate sabotage

A most unhealthy climate,
inside and out,
to continue dissonantly Occupying,
especially when healthy cooperative climates
are already WinWin Occupying
trusted trusting HereNow hands
and hearts
and feet for occupying healthier climates,
healing EcoSchool sanctuary students
longing to reforest Paradise.