Love Poem: Love Is Beautiful

Love Is Beautiful

I believe in true love, and I believe in happy endings. And I believe.
True love can not be found where it does not truly exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.
Love is splendid.
Love is profound.
It’s a euphoria.
It’s a great feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
Real Love Life is riveting.
Hearts a nomad, 
Its mesmerizing,
Its riveting.
Life is beautiful, it's an adventure.
My heart is a wanderer lost in you.
I've given you my heart, I've given everything to you.
My heart is not mine
It's crazy for you
It’s a euphoria 
Its riveting.
You are a shining moon, I'm just a lone star.
Its mesmerizing.
Love is an enigma, love is a cyclone
Love is a mystery.
The lanes of love are like the deep blue sea
I'm a wanderer, helplessly drowning in feeling of your real love.
I am a waif. I am nothing.
My heart is not mine
It's crazy for you
It’s a euphoria 
Its riveting.
I fall in love, I sink in love
I die in love
God is my only Best Friend.
In real love, my heart has found Paradise or Heaven.
In real love, I've forgotten the whole world.
My Garden of love is lovelier or better place than paradise or Heaven for me.
My heart is not mine
It's crazy for you
It’s a euphoria 
Its riveting.
ya its universal truth.
True love stories never have endings.
True love lasts forever.
By Miss Aliza Kashmala Kiran.