Love Poem: Love Is As Strong As Death

Love Is As Strong As Death

My desire is boiling molten lava
it erupts when the taste
of your name slips through my thoughts
It is contrary to what I have believed
I have been struck by its arrow
and the curse     and it's shaft drives deeply
I have fought the thoughts
but they crush me like the arms of a man
I am powerless before them
and it's flow is towards you
unwanted or not they dominate me
like the curse    that was given upon exile
from it's face
and has struck the hearts of all womankind
I have held it at bay for so long
embanked      unable to flow freely
You have torn down the dam
I know not how         I am engulfed drowning
I seek to stem    it's flow
redirect it's course       but it sears me
It has awakened me from a dead sleep
I know not if I will allow it to stay
as I am powerless in the face of it
For I know it's source       and it's end
will flay me alive as a pyre
Those so consumed are driven by it's mind
and I know it means my death in exchange for life
I desire the smoke of it 
to drive you away            as the animals 
flee before a fire in the forest 
but I hope you will face it down 
and put it out and release me 
You have undamed something
beyond my control      without the walls
and shields that were built
to keep such a thing contained
and confined          but I am fascinated
as I look upon it like a child
I want to touch it and abandon caution
I am afraid      of it
its as the floodgates of heaven
and can never be fully emptied
a fine scalpel has pierced my heart
and it bleeds      even as it continues to beat
a pain I think only women can know
banked embers have ignited a wildfire
and my heart is engulfed in it's flames 
Never have I felt such overwhelming
powerful emotion , All I have felt for
man is that gentle affection easily put
down        as easily as eros . Why is this
so threatening that I am unable to resist
bowing before it ...and it's flow remains
unabated         I have waited to see if it will
ebb      but it's constant          with an ebb
I think I could defeat it          but do I want to 
Nothing on the planet         compares to it's presence

COPYRIGHT © 2014 C Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC