Love Poem: Love In Vidisha

Love In Vidisha

LOVE IN VIDISHA                               

                               Let me speak to the wind first
                           Mangobuds emit the fragrance of love
                             Wild kusums have their pods burst
                           summer spreads in the wings of dove
                             Wind listens  let us love in grove
                          River Betwa flows from south to north
                       Nayika Abhisarika, let's have a bliss a sport

                                A kiss rakes up thousand suns 
                        And suns bake us with tingles of  passion
                      A creek of sweat on our knotted bodies runs
                             We have ended a heavenly session 
                      A sweet dream wraps us in divine possession
                          The River winks at us while we wink up
                            Our cup is full we have filled the cup

Reference for readers:
Kusum-any flower in Sanskrit/Bengali
Nayika Abhisarika-One going to meet her lover( in Old Sanskrit )
Betwa-  River Vetravati( in Sanskrit)

Make Love To Me In That Ancient Place - Poetry Contest
Sponsor:Justin Bordner
17 th November, 2014