Love Poem: Love In a Beauty Fair - a 'Kawaali'
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Written by: Ravindra K Kapoor

Love In a Beauty Fair - a 'Kawaali'

Love in a Beauty Fair

My Poem in the format of a Kawaali – in English 

Male Singer 01 	/ Group of singers

I  hear that we are in a fair,           of  Husno-Adda* and  beauty,
Still,       I am,  in search of a heart,                         full of Love,

Female Singer 01 / Group of singers:

This  is a gathering of Beauty and graceful ones,      not a crowd  of lovers,
The one who is ready, to sacrifice       everything, may possess the beauty.

Male Singer 02   / Group of singers:

Take a test of our Love my dear,           or come close to test my love, 
Still if your beauty is not satisfied,     just try the love at-least for ones,

Female Singer 02 / Group of singers:

O what you are crying as Love & Love me,        is not that simple my   dear,
There are lovers who sacrifice even their life,       still they do not  get  love,

Male Singer 03/ Group of singers:

You are narrating  a  story,      because you have not,         yet seen     love,
When your Beauty would relish love,   you would be searching love everywhere.

Female Singer 03 / Group of singers:

This is what you say my dear,      it  is only first time that we  have met here,
Let me see your splendors of love,  or it is just a way of yours,  to mold me,

Male Singer 04 / Group of singers:

After witnessing the splendors of love, you may find you cannot live without it, anymore,
Feeling the extreme agonies,  you may repent,  but then you won’t find the love

Female Singer 04 / Group of singers:

O,  if it is like that, let    me    the    see,       the      splendors of  your Love,
You say that I shall be dying on that love,  O, let me die to witness, what you say,

Male Singer 05 / Group of singers:

We are wasting these precious moments of love, talking about living or dying,
Let us live these lovely moments in love,        instead of talking to live or die.

Female Singer 05  / Group of singers:

O,  I can sacrifice  even my life,                on this molding art of yours, my love,
Perhaps beauty is  hidden in love      but             Love is nothing without beauty.

Together they sing 06 /Group of singers:

It is not a thing of dying or living,        nor   a  fight     between   beauty   and love,

It is only,    the art of  living  and       loving,        which  creates only cheerfulness.

Kanpur India   22nd Oct 2010
* Husno-Adda.  The graceful art of showing the beauty of women.