Love Poem: Love Hate
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Written by: Jerry T Curtis

Love Hate

I Love Hate

I love hate; it's plain to see
It fills the hearts of my enemies 
It sucks out the life and joy from their souls
And where happiness was, it leaves a large hole
They like to spread rumors and go off on a rant
But ask'em for a reason, You Know! They just can't
You see, Hate is just darkness, a disease of the mind
It soon affects everything; you'll find it time
The way you talk to others, the expression on your face
You tend to lose compassion and be void of all grace 
It just makes more enemies and never a friend
And when it's all over, you'll feel empty in the end
So I leave all the hate to those who revel in it
And get on with my life, Loving every minute

By JT Curtis  Nov 2017