Love Poem: Love Can'T Live Like a Man

Love Can'T Live Like a Man

Love scent cute
Creating life and breaking heart
Chasing men but jingling ladies
Paragon of love drowning my though
Moving far away am pierced by your branch
Thinking of you am heading off the track
Missing you again makes me cheat on nature
Burning inside for you kills my abilities years to come
Abstract being never cheats but your hurting
Valentine night, a bandit for faking it’s luggage
Densil and I creates a scene after compulsion
Months pass away, the feeling remained unstable
I blow in like air, she blows out like hurricane
A blood with no taste is as useless as a vagabond
The love between the sea and the ocean made our feelings unique
From densil to my damsel was a thousand kiss award
The turbulent of the isle was a strategy for one
Her frail tears and pain made my toes so feeble
From sand back to dust the game was over
Living in the past intensely wounded my future
Still crying deep down cause love can’t live like a man