Love Poem: Love and Romance
Anisha Dutta Avatar
Written by: Anisha Dutta

Love and Romance

LOVE AND ROMANCE                                       Mono rhyme
                          Love and Romance always get Majestic Entry
                          to Fiction, Prose, Poem or Rhythmic Poetry.
                          ‘Love-Romance’ entwined! Specific Symmetry
                          drawn on Passionate Poetic Geometry.
                           Love-Romance reactive in Organic Chemistry 
                          Amorous Glow: Romantic History.
                          ‘Lost Love or Betrayal’: Horrific Wintry.
                          ‘Endless patience in Love’: Sophistic Gentry.
                          ‘Hopeful on Refusal’: Optimistic Sentry.
                          First Love is nothing but Artistic Artistry.
                          ‘Blindness on deep dense Love’: Mystic Mystery.
                          ‘Win heart of Beloved’: Fantastic Victory.  
                         ‘Love ending in Wedding’: Authentic Registry.

         Line ending with two rhyming words. Syllable count 12     

                                                First Place
 'Your Best Mono rhyme Poetry' 
Contest by William Kekaula.