Love Poem: Love Always Sees
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Written by: Laura Leiser

Love Always Sees

When spring’s subtle breezes brush my face, I remember…

Linnie and I are sitting in the back seat of our old Chevy 
the windows are rolled down, warm air is rushing in 
and our golden hair is flying around in crazy patterns. 

The two blind ladies are sitting up front with momma
talking animatedly as we head to the local market.
Alene is clutching tightly to her walking stick
while Lou, in heavy sunglasses, clings to her side. 

Now, we are wandering down aisles of canned vegetables 
the elderly ladies grasp momma’s arms firmly
with great emphasis, they tell her what they need
momma patiently guides them along the way
as she places their precious cargo into the shopping cart. 

At the checkout, Alene’s milky eyes tear up as she nods
she thanks momma for the help, Lou enthusiastically agrees.  
Linnie and I carefully help the ladies into the car
we sing old church hymns as we drive home…

…and when we hug each other and say goodbye  
I feel as if I am in heaven. 

Written on 6/9/2021