Love Poem: Loneliness
Ronald Karzmarczyk Avatar
Written by: Ronald Karzmarczyk


i,m sitting here all alone,                           

                                                   praying that you will only phone; 

                                                   to talk to you will make my day, 

                                                   to be with you is what i pray; 

                                                   i want to have you here by me, 

                                                   your love forever is my plea; 

                                                    to feel your love and your touch, 

                                                    is what thrills me oh, so much; 

                                                     i want to kiss your warm full lips, 

                                                     as from your body your love drips; 

                                                      to stroke your hair and kiss your breast, 

                                                       love you forever is what i attest; 

                                                       to put my body close to yours, 

                                                       as we make love for many hours; 

                                                       so always be right by my side, 

                                                       your love from me should never hide; 

                                                       stay forever in my life, 

                                                       never cause me pain and strife; 

                                                        hold me tight and kiss me long,
                                                        with you forever is where i belong; 

                                                        stay with me through all the years, 

                                                        fill my heart and calm my fears; 

                                                        love me forever and a day, 

                                                        you as my wife is what i pray.