Love Poem: Living Near
Ann Foster Avatar
Written by: Ann Foster

Living Near

Living Near

In the meadow of tomorrow, 
in the land of today, 
I see the truth of all past...
We are as one, 
balanced and unbalanced. 

The tall grass is green, 
and smells of flowers,
and weeds
they permeate the air. 
The worms dig tunnels...
all amount them. 
The gophers dance there, 
at night,
and run wild,
in the darkness of day. 

The bright sun shows her face, 
and the birds fly to touch her image, 
reflected upon the soft clouds between
heaven and the earth. 
Bees hum... 
and there is a lightness to everything, 
real and uncertain. 

The maiden remembers, 
the young lad forgets, 
but they are always one, 
seen in their children's faces.
The circle of light...

A. Foster
Ann Foster    God Bless your day!