Love Poem: Living Angels
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Written by: Sandy Schermerhorn

Living Angels

They have no halos
They have no wings
They don’t show themselves in spirit form
They do sometimes show you wild and wonderful things

They don’t get pain
Their hearts can be pretty sensitive
And on their sleeve is where it’s laid
They are not only in the shadows
Nor are they seen only at night
They are with us everyday
Be it dark or light

They are nothing more than living angels
People among us like you and me
Putting their own issues with life aside
To help someone in their time of need
And wipe away tears that have been cried
Weather it’s in the form of a hug, just to listen, or some simple words
They will do their damnest to pull you out of your hole that you crawl into and hide

They don’t doubt you
But sometimes within themselves they find it hard to believe
That their actions towards others are very much in need
They have problems realizing how much they have done for you and me

Living angels
With us in our everyday
Stand by our side good or bad come what may
Look around they aren’t hard to find
As long as you open your heart, soul, and mind
Don’t’ let life leave you cold hearted and blind
For they are reaching out their hand trying to be kind
Needing you as much as you need them
Living angels don’t let what they do for us come to an end

This is dedicated for my friend Wayne
Very much an angel to me
If only he could open his eyes and clearly see
And within himself he needs to truly believe