Love Poem: Listen
Simone Segal Avatar
Written by: Simone Segal


Be not lonely

Nor shed a tear

I hold your hand

I am spirit you

Not of flesh

Your soul

Allow me through

I open my heart to you

Faith is my existence

Have faith, my best friend
So my wisdom can wash over you

I was, and always will be here for you

Open your heart
Allow my ocean of wisdom

To wash over you

For in your heart
Every question is answered

Peace, love and serenity

I am your best friend

Love me
Love yourself

Establish love

For there is our freedom


Be not lonely

Nor shed a tear

I hold your hand

I am spirit you

Not of flesh
Your soul
Allow me through
When your heart is open
My ocean of love and wisdom

Will wash over you
And all your desires
Have faith
Will come true