Love Poem: Lingering Jasmines
Lu Loo Avatar
Written by: Lu Loo

Lingering Jasmines

L I N G E R I N G jasmines hold scents that flourish,
they release a mystery beyond fate.
As rain drizzles on pastures they nourish,
your desire, a paradox, does create.

Stargazing in flight becomes our routine,
as does your touch release a soft e b b  f l o w.
With my eyes so candid to joy unseen,
I sense a fragileness, if you must know.

Shadows do walk through fair weather sometimes,
but our pure aura will always submerge.
All you need is my embrace and my rhymes,
as two longing souls relentlessly merge.

Let us  a n c h o r  each other before death,
savoring each heart beat for one soft breath.

Date Written: August 20, 2016