Love Poem: Light Switch

Light Switch

Light switch: a toggle in which to turn something on or off...

Some would call it a gift
Others would say a curse
But I have dwelling inside me
A switch, a toggle if you may
That most don’t have 
And many wished they did
When I make up my mind
To flip this switch
That’s it
No more
I’m done
The end
There’s no turning back
Something inside dies
Withers away
The roots rot
And whatever’s left
Blows away in the wind
It’s a way of surviving
Easier switching off
Than to keep getting hurt
Let down
Than to have faith in someone
Only for them to toss you away
People aren’t born with this
It takes consistent, diligent effort
To make someone choose 
To install the switch
Or choose to continue to care
Years and years of building up
Until one day 
There’s nothing left to give
All that one can see
Is an unsurpassable valley
Full of debris and garbage
Where others threw your faith 
Your love
Another piece of you away
Once I flip it
The tie between us is severed
Never again will I choose
To let you near enough
To touch me
See inside of me
Take another piece of me
I’ve flipped the switch
No illumination of me
Only cold, lonely darkness

For the contest: The Secondhand Emotion