Love Poem: Life's Bouquet
Mark Stellinga Avatar
Written by: Mark Stellinga

Life's Bouquet

On my way to work one day I stopped to tie my shoe -
I had no way of knowing they were there -
But when I glanced across the lawn and saw their pretty hue, 
The tiny patch of flowers made me stare.

How completely beautifully the little swath of blue 
Enhanced the field of emerald, which it graced, 
Interspersed with bitty dots of brightly sparkling dew 
That sat upon their leaves for them to taste.

As I stood there, fascinated by the lovely scene, 
My mind began to wonder off in thought.
What if I should wade across the shallow sea of green 
And pluck one, at the risk of getting caught?

Would the mere abduction from the unsuspecting bed 
Of merely one - of what I felt to be
But a lovely gift from God, which by his hand was bred 
For all the souls who take the time to see -

Constitute - by doing so - a crime of some degree? 
The prospect made me hesitate, and think.
But I deduced decidedly that “beautiful” is free…                                         When…deep within the blue…I spotted pink.

I did not resist the urge to briefly leave the shore 
And wade to where the floating isle of blue 
Waited for the larceny that rightly lay in store. 
(It seemed the only natural thing to do.)

As I held the flower I had robbed with good intent -
(I’d planned to bring it home to give to you) -
My heart was almost overwhelmed to know its lovely scent, 
But still, my crime of passion wasn’t through.

When I glanced around and saw no other passerby, 
And knew there were no witnesses to see…
Before I left the garden, friend…I will not tell a lie… 
I very quickly stole another three!

Racing back to join the walk from where I’d seen the plants, 
I smiled to think that no one even knew
About the theft of blossoms I had taken on the chance 
They’d bribe, perhaps…a little kiss from you!

When I looked to verify that what I thought was true, 
My eyes were drawn to something yet unseen.
Only thirty yards away another garden grew, 
Enhancing even more the sea of green.

Glancing left and right, I was amazed at what I’d found… 
So many lovely colors to behold.
I saw - because I took the time to actually look around -                                           Pink carnations…daffodils of gold,

Crimson roses…tulips - painted yellow, orange, and white -
Violets…daisies…morning glories…heath. 
Honeysuckle…carpetweed…begonias - big and bright -
Were floating there…as though a coral reef.

I had never seen a more diverse and lovely sight. 
Its splendor nearly took my breath away.
I felt a sense of wonder, and a soft and sweet delight, 
Like nothing I had known before that day.

In my mind I contemplated…what if they should meld? 
I realized there had to be some way
That I could join the tiny bunch of flowers that I held 
With those nearby…to build a fine bouquet.

Recklessly, I darted here and there, from plot to plot, 
And grabbed a fine example from each one.
When, at last, I’d made the rounds, I simply took the lot -
And, by the time that I was fin'ly done -

Mixing things…in life…is what I came to understand 
Can qualify the effort that it takes.
I learned that blending different breeds - from all across the land, 
To build the fine arrangement that it makes…

Tends to turn our world a bit more beautiful.   It’s true! 
And this is my advice to you today:
Never be afraid to intertwine…for when you do…                                      
Diversity achieves a great bouquet!