Love Poem: Life
The Poet 174 Avatar
Written by: The Poet 174


To be in love is to be insane
For love means tears and tears means

Love is hate,                                                                                    Love may come,
Hate is love,                                                                                     Love may go,
Lover means both                                                                             but the memories
and misery means all.                                                                       are forever.

Destiny is what we live it's not something
we wait for.  It is a mans duty to
make it better and to jump over any
obstacle that get in the way, For life
only comes once in every mans

What is love?
Love is another word for lust
for a accomplishment				
a license for deception				
a license to lie,					
a license to think that you 			 
are never wrong.				 
A license that when it expires			
It becomes an unforgettable pain.

I wanted to hold you,
I wanted to keep you,
You made me feel special,	
But all I got is a memory,
and now I want the
impossible to forget

So much to write about				
 So much to say,
 So many thoughts running through my
 Head but they all seem to be allergic
 To paper and pen