Love Poem: Lickety Split

Lickety Split

L ost deep, the woods of tender age,

I feigned to quell my prurient rage ...

C aught amidst a gleam and glower,

K ept 'tween pages, pressed a flower.

E ach new and tragic love was meant

T o supplant that passion, abhorrent,

Y et as those windings wound to you ...

S ighs and moons came far too few.

P ushed by dreams we hoped to see,

L ife pulled our wings too recklessly -

I n fragile time, we burned our stars

T o precious ashes ... and tender scars.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Acrostically I Stand Tall" Poetry Contest, James Edward Lee Sr, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 5th Place ~  in the "Lickety Split Acrostic" Poetry Contest, Debbie Guzzi, Judge & Sponsor.