Love Poem: Letter
Jay Narain Avatar
Written by: Jay Narain


In an old pile, in a drawer, a letter I found,
In dust it lay, lost, a whisper profound.
Faded ink, words weathered, but thoughts ever molded,
Emotions and feelings, in time's hold enfolded.

A first love's letter, hidden for years,
My wife cherished it, amid joys and tears.
Eternal love, promises aglow and bright,
Inscriptions of hope, beyond life's twilight.

Promises lost, 'I love you's' neglected,
I questioned my wife, emotions affected.
"Why keep this paper with vows untrue,
False love, fleeting, why hold onto?"

She blushed, then smiled, her reply unfurled,
"Your ad-libbed promise, a show to the world,
Yet etched with your feelings, this love imbued,
Became my sanctuary, the ultimate in gratitude."