Love Poem: Let's respect our two homes
Triny Xiang Avatar
Written by: Triny Xiang

Let's respect our two homes

Time to be respectable I live in two homes in my mind I’m both Frida and Diego Like me, they lived in Twin Houses The tortured me lives in the blue one The elephant in the red and white The one that plows through life The one that gives a son a ride Today I’m the dove in a steel corset I and I will come out holding hands The famous couple of my home The bridge between the two homes hiding We cannot be in two places at once But in my mind, I am both Diego and Frida Sometimes the bridge is all I am Between the rebels and sycophant There lies the truest artist The revolutionary bridge called my back I’ll clean my brush with turpentine I’ll put a shroud over my latest canvas I’ll shine up my steel corset I’ll pull out the nails leaving stigmatas I wouldn’t do this for anyone I would do it for you, my darling Not even for my elefante or paloma Only for my infant coming to visit I’ll preen my feathers for my chick The dove hobbles halfway to the bridge I await my better half lumbering We’ll merge as an elephant with wings We’ll use the foyer Diego loves best When love returns we’ll be whole All doors blue, red and white will open My manly half in my best Zoot suit The dove in my best Tehuana dress When you come our home will be whole The house doesn’t need to be clean We only need to be holding hands We only need to be a bridge to love Cover only what comfort allows Let go of what’s respectable Good artists are always messy Even the bridge doesn’t matter Only how you greet loved ones Being a respectful connection