Love Poem: Let the Rain Kiss You

Let the Rain Kiss You

Let the rain kiss you;
Let the early morning dew fall on you;
Let the sun embrace you;
Let it rise and give you a brightest day;

I am come to mind;
This is the time, to rejoice in it;
I have been reminded that God has plan this;
And His promises are...

Let the rain kiss you;
Let the trees clean the air that you breathe;
Let the rocks hold you as you walk on waters at ease;

I am delighted that the rainbow is God's promise;
That He won't destroy the world that way;
With water again running a away water rising, rising high...

Let the eagle fly, soar high and higher toward the skies;
Let the squirrels play running up and down the trees always;
The flowers grow you pick them take them in you smell them;
Aroma so inviting thank you God. . . 

letting the rain kiss me as you surround me in beautiful;
I am delighted that the rainbow is God's promise;
Thank you God for letting the trees clean the air, (that I breathe)
Thank you Father for the eagles flying, soaring high in the skies;
Thank you God for the flowers you've given me;
Thank you Father for the rainbow, for the promise;
That you've given me. . Halleluiah
Praise you Father I am here on my bended knees;
And I thank you for... letting
letting Oh Lord..
Let the rain kiss you;
Let the early morning follow you;
Let the rain kiss you;
And wash you up with the dew;

Let the rain kiss you

written by James Edward Lee
(from the James E Lee 1974 demo cassette/LP  "The World Will End Tomorrow" 1974(c)