Love Poem: Let Me Release a Sigh
Junate Ersal Avatar
Written by: Junate Ersal

Let Me Release a Sigh

I don't know how it began-
what matters is it's there
like a famished bee on on a daisy
Let me release a sigh-

It was one point in time
and began wherever it did
I did not notice
by the time...

All i saw was
    large dark pouty bats
        I used to shepherd
           on the mountains where
	      sorrow was sipped for water

Facts were without polish, but
        were trampled carelessly
there was no north, south nor west nor east

There did not exist any peace
                        to be seized.

I used to see, but nothin'
they were used to a vast blank screen
seeing was nothing, stop whining-in other words.

all flowers were born faded
all the time was it,
that kids used to cry, which nobody hated

rain was not rain
    food was not food
        cloud was not cloud
            day was night, night was nightmare

    I remember it well,
            when you turned up as lost
                in my town, torn and ghost

Now, it was talking
with all joy and glee
I came across you sudden but free

It turned out

life was not squeezed between white and black,
                                                     not even grey

let my eyes drink green, blue, orange and honey

You were there, right across my trembling knees
        with all the brightness,
I was stunned by
        your amazing albescent brilliance

Ey, the world! hear me out,
I don't get covered with blank, vague darkness any more
let not my heart cease throbbing, it's insane!
I already got used to the glamor, it's not in vain!
Hold, hold on please, let me release a sigh-