Love Poem: Left Behind
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Written by: Trisha Sugarek

Left Behind


Let me come with you. Don’t
leave me here. Waking each 
morning forgetting, between sleep 
and wake, that you have gone 

My body, confident that if I reach 
for you across the lonely bed you 
will be there warm and sleepy. 
Skin smooth clean and sweeter 
than any man has a right to be

Turning to you with my triumphs, 
my hurt, my happiness, my 
defeat. Taken for granted, the 
sharing now lost forever 

Laughter delights the heart but the 
art of causing another to laugh is 
the true joy. All lost
I still smell your cigarette smoke, 
hear your voice, and feel your 
foot fall, your presence so solid 
that I speak aloud to you 

Cursing you for leaving me, 
pleading with you to return, 
begging that fate turn the clock 
back, beseeching that events be 
rewritten, different, so at the last 
possible moment, I will save you

Trisha Sugarek
Butterflies and Bullets