Love Poem: Leaving On a Jet Plane
Connie Marcum Wong Avatar
Written by: Connie Marcum Wong

Leaving On a Jet Plane

When sunset ushers a sky violet blue
At the first star’s light, my thoughts are of you.
And when I gaze into the moonlit sea;
Lights dancing on water, you are with me. 

When a lovely flower bends to the breeze
I picture your face, so eager to please.
As I fly away to a distant land
You dwell in my heart; I’m at your command.

I love your deep voice and things that you say,
And ways you miss me when I am away.
I don’t want to extinguish this fire,
Though it consumes my mind with desire.

I long for the moment we’ll reunite
And I'll share your kisses throughout the night. 

Song: Leaving on a Jet Plane
This poem relates to the song perfectly because I was always leaving on a jet plane 
as a stewardess for 34 years. I met my husband on one of my flights in December 
of 1979. We were married In December 1981 and the most difficult part of our
marriage was me being away 4 days at a time while flying down under to Sydney,
or Auckland,  or 3 day trips to Japan. My thoughts were always with my husband and 