Love Poem: Last Wistful Rhapsody
Line Gauthier Avatar
Written by: Line Gauthier

Last Wistful Rhapsody

Wrapped in watchful consoling arms of a silver lingering moon
Helplessly succumbing to the blow of a treacherous harpoon

Salvaged every last remaining thought for his heavenly bonnie
Confiding in the stars up above the rest of their love story

Refusing to close his eyes that long to find her exquisite face
And prolong every unfading dream of her seductive embrace

Serenaded with a rhapsody softly playing in his ear
He feels the quietus approaching ever so gently, 'tis near

He releases his miserly grip with no ounce of self-pity
Sets free his soul into the fathomless calm of eternity

Submitted on March 12, 2018 for contest FIVE WORDS, PLEASE sponsored by BROKEN WINGS  -  RANKED 3RD