Love Poem: Keep Loving Them-

Keep Loving Them-

Keep loving me;
And don’t let nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing;
Take your joy
Keep loving them;
Everyone let nothing, nothing, no one rob you of your joy;
No shadow nor shame
Will darken the faces with pain
Taste and see
Come and see
Be revealed
Come and see
O that the Lord is good
And His joys of those who take refuge in Him be ever full

Keep loving them;
Strangers, family and friends;
And don’t let nothing, nothing, and nothing, nothing;
Take your joy away;
Be at peace, be stilled instill, anointed quick release all hail;
Keep loving them, everyone, and everyone everywhere;
Embrace no shadow no shame
Will darken the faces of humanity pains
Taste and see
Come and see
Be revealed
Come unto me
Come and see
O that the Lord is good
And all His joys of those who take refuge in Him be ever, ever so, ever so
Ever so, ever more full

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2023©