Love Poem: Journey
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Written by: Karlin K. Jensen


After being shattered,
 torn apart inside,
 a hole was carved out of me
 and something in me died.
Our dreams, desires and hopes,
 so young and plentiful,
 all too quickly melted away,
 both of us feeling dismal. 

The time that then came after;
 so dark, unhopeful and bleak.
 The Heart could see no light,
 the body soon became weak.
A living, moving corpse,
 an empty, lonely shell.
 The Soul would drift, unheard from,
 locked in its gloomy shell.
But life is so persistent,
 and always will pull through.
 Subtle, gentle rays of light
 will once again shine true.
The pieces of Self are gone,
 and an emptiness remains,
 Yet the dark thoughts drip away,
 the Soul no longer in chains.
So Self must be reborn,
 clay in a potter's hands.
 Piece by piece, the hole is filled,
 done so with multiple strands.
Recreated little wonder,
 dance with Joy once more.
 Let your dreams regain their wings,
 and see what He has in store.