Love Poem: Jesus Offers His Love
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Jesus Offers His Love

Jesus Offers His Love!

Jesus offers his love
 with deep affection.
Only in him, can one find 
 love and perfection.

He offers true value
and deep fulfillment...
Only in him, can one find an 
eternal commitment.

He offers a life that's
joyful and eternal.
And waits to put your 
name in heaven's journal...

He offers much more
 than this world can give.
Only in him can one find a reason to live!

He offers a message 
that's 100% secure.
Only in him, can one find a love that’s pure!

He offers another
 day to make a choice.
Won't you come now?  
And listen to his voice?

He offers one more
chance to enter his glory.
And learn of salvation and his 
wondrous love story!

He offers a life that took
death upon the cross.
And is your only hope when all 
seems hopeless and lost!

Won't you accept his offer  
and call on his name?
And allow him into your life  
to rule and to reign?

His offer to you, is a promise
 of love and atonement!
Won't you come to him now?  
He could come this very moment!

By Jim Pemberton    06/14/16