Love Poem: Jesus Is the Only Solution
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Jesus Is the Only Solution

In the midst of this world’s 
chaos and confusion…
There is an answer!  There is a solution!
Many people have tried all
 different kinds of things.
Not realizing the consequences
 this often brings…
I’m going to say something. 
 This I shall confess…
Without God in our lives.  
Everything is one big mess!
Have you thought about 
what history does unfold?
The many wars, famines, 
and deaths untold?

One just can read the book of Revelation.
This world’s going to go 
through a great tribulation!
Our hope isn’t in world government.” 
 Or chasing a “U.F.O…”
I’s only in Jesus.  The redeemer of our soul!
If heaven is a place would you’d like to be…
Think about where you’d like
 to spend your eternity…

With Christ in your life…  
You can’t go wrong.
In his sheltering arms…  
Is where you belong!

Jesus…  Who created this earth
 and everything within…
Can wash you clean….  
And take away your sin!
All of creation cries out and proclaims…
The beauty and majesty of his awesome name!
He is the solution to the way you’re livin.’!
Why not accept him today… 

By Jim Pemberton  02/17/11