Love Poem: Jayden Makieh Kelly (Part 4)
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Written by: Shaina Kelly

Jayden Makieh Kelly (Part 4)

Jayden Makieh Kelly

  Your crib was put up and oh how beautiful it was decked out in those lovable carebears.  I’d often just stare at it imagining your little precious body laying there.  I couldn’t believe that the time for packing our hospital bags finally came along.  I was in the stores all of the time buying little odds and ends, still shocked that I was about to become a mom.  Your due date, Valentine’s Day, came and in my stomach my baby boy you remained!  You were just as stubborn as your mother.  But, I knew that you would come in those next few days or another.  Contractions became strong, but the time between them at the least was about 8 minutes long.  However, after a few repetitions they didn’t remain consistent.  So, there wasn’t much need for alarm.  It was a little hard to convince your nana to remain calm.  Having so much anxiety about seeing her grandson, she got on the phone one night and called everyone!  Then the concerns came from all, phone call after phone call about it being that time.  But, we all had no choice but to sit back and wait until you felt it necessary to shine.  I had even registered to take college courses from home starting on the twenty-eighth of that month.  With you being due any day, I knew that taking care of you and studying would be a hump.  But, I had to gain that extra agility and use that as an ability to take care of you, my main responsibility.  For there was nothing that could make me stray.  I had to, I had to pave that way.  I made it up in my mind that I would never have our future suffer from any of my faults or laziness.  I would not let our lives be consisted of stress, worries, and the world’s craziness.  Remember my son that you were my main number one motivation.  Remember that your being supported the hunger in me that fed my determination.