Love Poem: IS IT RIGHT
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Written by: Ravneet Kaur


Things fall apart, but not we
Let's say 
Place at we came, know each other better
Might u know, u helped me become stronger

Things survived, let it be more
Half of us are connected more
Hundreds of things we need to know           
Hundreds of we think we know

Moments of us reminds me of you
Brian has filled with memories of you
Let's revive our love
May be it could get better then our hunt

I am curious of things, why it was you
Things could have been better 
If you didn’t listened to only you 
If I had known you well

I would have never let myself hurt further
Where do that maturity hide
Behind the pain which makes me hate better
Love might have worked on

If you had listened to me earlier
Is it right, to makes things right
Is it right, to make it grow
Because there is love inside

                  Ravneet Kaur