Love Poem: IN HER EYES
Jim Yerman Avatar
Written by: Jim Yerman


He believes he first fell in love with her eyes…they are so revealing…
they’ve always told her story…..expressed how she was feeling.

Through all their years together he is no longer surprised
how easily he can read her…when he looks into her eyes.

The way her happiness, her joy, her excitement…
her sense of adventure…her ecstasy…
come bursting through her eyes makes it easy for him to see.

Sharing in her joy and laughter is effortless …as they are easy to discern…
but dealing with her sadness……Well…this he had to learn.

When he saw sadness in her eyes…this made him want to find a way
to look into those eyes and make her sadness go away.

He tried to do things to make her happy…to find words both comforting and wise…
anything and everything he could think of to bring the joy back to her eyes.

But words don’t often stop one’s sorrow….this principle is ironclad!
and when sadness surfaces or re-surfaces
a person just needs some time to be a little sad.

Now he silently holds her in her sorrow…because through the years he’s learned
her eyes will reveal the moment her happiness returns.

For he is confident knowing her sorrow will fade away eventually
and that her sad eyes still have many happy moments…she has yet to see.