Love Poem: If We Agree In Love
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

If We Agree In Love

"If we agree in love,
then there is no disagreement that can do us any injury,
but if we do not,
no agreement can do us any good."
Hosea Ballou

If we,
in good faith communion, 
that love is green healthier
and wealthier than hate
and mutual ignorance,
then there is no red climate of disagreement,
that can do us any injury,

But, if we do not,
no sacrificial punishing judgments
can do us any red-blooded restorative good
for resonantly therapeutic peace
and resiliently regenerative justice.

What is the empowering right 
and enlightened loving thing to do
right now
maintains a sensory conversation
between personal conscience
and historical/cultural animated context;

Between my ideal regenerative experience
of cooperative interdependent feelings,
often liturgically captured
and enraptured in shared communion
services, yes,
but also  deep and wide rooted feelings 
of cooperative emotion-motion empowerment
and emotive-cognitive co-empathic enlightenment

AND within Earth's optimal health/wealth seasonal rung
of spiraling laddered DNA constraining/retraining wealth 
of healthy co-passionate communication opportunity
accessible in this highest coredemptively enlightened
and deepest empowering 
secular/sacred climate
of polycultural/interfaith re-ligious climax

Re-connecting EarthTribe
indigenously preverbal
more ecofeminist holistic 
multicultural values

Every EarthDay compassionate 
RightHemisphere interdependent
actively networking 
global context aware
of our already accessed 
restoring healthy EarthJustice 
public and climate green wealth 
communion communication,

Multiculturally conscious of this contextual moment
for integrity's great green transitional promise

If we agree
that love is healthier
and wealthier than hate
and ignorance
and greedy sins of leftbrain dominant extraction
reductive deduction
anthropocentric seclusion,

Then there is no ecofeminist regenerative 
that can do us any degenerative 
straight white capitalist 
anthro-supremacist injury.