Love Poem: If I Wrote Your Name Into My Heart
Can  Yucel Avatar
Written by: Can Yucel

If I Wrote Your Name Into My Heart

If I wrote your name
into my heart
Would you stay
without getting
If I etched you into
my being
Would you take me
from myself?

If I turned into
smoke flowing
towards you
Would you find each
and every spec?
If I wrote songs in
your name
Would you be a
string on my

If I wrapped you in
Would you shine into
my eyes?
If wrote pages
asking about you
Would you extract
every line?

If I took you into
Would you steal your
If loved you more
than myself
Would you nurture
that love?

If you were the sea
and I a fish
If you were a crane*
and I could find you
If you were air and
I could take you
Would you make me

If you were the
voice on my lips
The beauty in my
The picture in my
Would you stay in
that moment forever?