Love Poem: If I Had Wings
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Written by: Bo Lanier

If I Had Wings

IF I HAD WINGS I'd be with you tonight
I wasn't looking for love when I found you
But now you are the biggest part of my life
Oh so IF I HAD WINGS I'd take you to
The stars and back and keep you safe and
Warm, feeling your body so close to mine
Well IF I HAD WINGS I'd wrap you up in
In a love so heavenly you'd never want to
Come down off of cloud 9...
I know you have to make a living and your
Work takes you here, there and everywhere
In between and it's so hard on my heart
When we are apart, I just sit here all alone
Waiting for that dag gum phone to ring
And crying my eyes blind, getting drunk on
Cheap red wine, I miss you more and more
Every day, I miss you more than any words
Can say...
But IF I HAD WINGS I would be with you
Tonight, even if I had to circle the world a
Thousand times, mooring, day and night and I would find you, it might take some time
But I'd find you and then I'd wrap you
Up so warm and tender in these wings of
Mine 'cuz you are the biggest part of my
Life like something out of a dream and so
IF I HAD WINGS I'd take you to the stars
And back, I’d wrap you up in a love so
Heavenly you'd never want to come down
From cloud 9 you'd just want to stay with
Me right in my arms, right where you’re
I know you may think this is just a silly
Little fantasy or I'm out of my mind
But I'm lonely without you sweet, sweet
Darling of mine, you are the love of my life
And IF I HAD WINGS we would be together