Love Poem: I Will Love You - Buzzwords

I Will Love You - Buzzwords

"Past the stars and the moon and beyond the clouds and the sun, I will love you to infinity .." Quote _by Constance The moment we met I knew it was love, and I would always be your turtledove. I felt it so deep inside that it hurt, and admit that on our date I was a flirt. You were the missing puzzle piece of me, and suddenly the locked door had a key. We shared many romantic evening dates, and soon it was clear that we were soulmates. Our conversations were intense and deep, the depth of our love made me want to weep. How you could make me laugh at your jokes, one after another till I said enough okey-dokes. We had so many great plans for our life, then, destiny stabbed us with her sharp knife, Now, I find love down a long winding road, I come in the sunshine and when it has snowed_ ________________ January 11, 2022 Poetry/Couplet/I Will Love You Copyright Protected, ID 01-1420-790-11 All Rights Reserved, 2022, Constance La France Written for the Standard contest, Buzzwords sponsor, Kim Rodrigues, 03/09/2022 First Place