Love Poem: I Thought

I Thought

I thought you changed
I thought you was the one
I thought I knew you
I thought we was going to be together for ever
You broke my heart for the last time
You told me you loved me
You tole me we was going to be together for ever
You told me you was not going to leave again
You told me you was here to stay this time
You told me lies
I will never for give you
I will not let you back in my heart again
I will not let you back in my life
I wish I never met you
I wish I could for get you
Your nothing to me 
Your the worse thing that ever happen to me
Your my night mare that won't go a way
Your a memory I wish I never had
I wish you would stay gone
I wish you would leave me a lone
I wish you would stop hurting me
I will never stop hating you