Love Poem: I Must Not Have Noticed (Maybe I Didn'T Want To)
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Written by: Jessica Walls

I Must Not Have Noticed (Maybe I Didn'T Want To)

(You have stolen my heart again) 

I don’t know how it
when I was
busy saying goodbye
from the last time you left
you must have slipped through the
back door 
with that smile of yours 
(oh that smile)
I must not have noticed.

Maybe I didn’t want to.

Because I know
It’s all part of that game
we play
I chase, you 
run you chase, I run
And so the minute I turn around
you will be gone again

(and I will frame your smile
and hang it on my wall
to gaze at over breakfast.)

(and you will tuck my heart in your
pocket for safekeeping.)