Love Poem: I Love You Today

I Love You Today

I LOVE YOU Today, though Your so far ; so far away 
My hands Caress You ; as one would the petal of a rose
Gently I wipe away the morning dew drop ; in reality a tear
I touch You with my smile : my beard tickles Your cheek
My Heart beats to the music of LOVE, pounding to a crescendo :
My baritone voice , enticed by the pounding Heart, sings I Love You
My eyes see YOU everywhere, the soft clouds, the cool shade of an Oak
In the sea, rushing to the beach : but mostly in my mind where beauty grows
The doors are opened : yet You stay , that I may LOVE YOU TODAY
                                     “ N-- O-- W”

          Inspired By Barbara Gorelick’s POEM --  “NOW”
Dedicated to Barbara Jean  with Today’s LOVE -- Everlasting