Love Poem: I Love You

I Love You

My tears are dry, my Spirit High : my Heart seizes it’s forlorn Sigh
She helps me up the stairs of Grief : in Her Loving eyes I see Relief
Stripped of yesterday’s  Forlorn Heartbeat she dresses in today’s LOVE
She reaches out and grasp my Heart to her bosom, entwined FOREVER
Her light brown eyes : sooth the inner agony : I thought was my Life
An Angelic voice gently sings :  plays songs  my Heart longs to hear
A seductive wink melts this frozen Heart, I bathe in the warmth of Her stare
Forgotten feelings waft through my soul like an ember  glowing in the sunset
The stars catching the sparkle of her moonlit eyes; twinkle in Heavenly Bliss
I stare at the beauty of Her soul I feel the Love in her Heart, in the heat of Her Kiss

                      Dedicated to Barbara Jean With Love